
Antalya Varis Tedavisi Kliniği

Non-Surgical Varicose Vein

& Kılcal Damar Tedavileri

Varis Tedavisi Antalya

"2019 yılında Alanya'da kurduğu kliniğinde Op. Dr. İlker Zan, fleboloji alanında tedavilerini sürdürmektedir."

Antalya Varis Tedavisi

"Today, varicose vein treatment methods include applications that are seamless, incision-free, and do not require hospitalization."
Phlebologist & Vascular Surgeon
Ilker Zan, M.D.

Op. Dr. İlker Zan, who has been trained especially in the field of phlebology and vascular surgery, has been practicing non-surgical varicose vein treatments for years. After performing treatments in many state institutions and private hospitals, he established his own clinic in Antalya - Alanya in 2019 and continued his treatments here.

Varicose Vein Treatment Antalya

You can get information from our modern phlebology clinic, which specializes in the treatment of varicose veins in Antalya - Alanya, for the treatment that suits you.

Op.Dr. İlker Zan’ın Antalya / Alanya da bizzat uyguladığı renkli Doppler ultrason ile damar yapıları detaylı bir şekilde incelenir ve kişiye özel tedavi planları oluşturulur.

Ameliyatsız yöntemlerle yapılan tedaviler sayesinde, Antalyadaki hastalarımız hızlı ve etkili bir şekilde varis sorunlarından kurtulurken, günlük yaşamlarına kısa sürede dönebilirler.

Ameliyatsız Varis Tedavisi Antalya

EVLT & EVLA (Endovenöz Lazer Ablasyon) Lazerle varis tedavisi Antalya

Endovenous Laser Ablation is the process of treating the problematic vein from the inside with the help of laser, under local anesthesia, without making an incision.

EVRF & RFA (Endovenöz Radyofrekans Ablasyon) Radyofrekansla Varis Tedavisi Antalya

Endovenous Radiofrequency Ablation is the process of treating the problematic vein from the inside with the help of a Radiofrequency catheter, under local anesthesia, without making an incision.

Skleroterapi & Köpük Tedavisi Antalya

It is a method that involves the treatment of small and medium-sized reticular varicose veins and large capillaries using very fine needle tips and with the help of sclerozing medication.

Lazerle kılcal damar tedavisi Antalya

It is the treatment of capillaries that are too small to be entered with a needle, with Nd-YAG laser beams without external contact.

Venous insufficiency; It is a disease that can become progressive if the treatment is delayed.

It is also possible to treat perforator veins without surgery.

When the perforator veins, which provide a connection like a bridge between the deep and superficial venous systems, are damaged, they can cause serious complaints and complications. These perforator veins can only be detected with a detailed and time-consuming coloured Doppler ultrasound examination. And with early diagnosis, they can be treated without surgery.

What happens if varicose veins are not treated?

After waiting for years without treating varicose veins, or even without waiting this period, it can cause serious undesirable complications. Among these complications; clot formation and embolism, phlebitis and thrombophlebitis (inflammation of veins with clots), venous ulcer scar formation are the most serious ones.

Varicose Veins Treatment Clinic in Antalya

Radyofrekans ile damar içinden (Endovenöz) varis tedavisi, etkili bir minimal invaziv yöntem olarak öne çıkar. Yüksek enerjili radyofrekans dalgaları, varisli damarın iç yüzeyini etkili bir şekilde kapatarak dolaşımı düzenler. Cerrahi müdahale gerektirmeyen bu yöntem, hastaların günlük hayatlarına hızlıca dönmelerine olanak tanır. Bu tedaviler Antalya  Alanya ile Manavgat bölgelerinde tarafımızca hastane yatışı gerekmeden uygulanmaktadır. 

Alanya / Antalya varis tedavisi fleboloji kliniği

Antalya'da uyguladığımız Varis Tedavi Yöntemleri

Endovenous Laser Ablation

It is a method that is completed under local anesthesia, without making an intravenous incision, and does not require hospitalization.

Endovenous Radiofrequency Ablation

It is a method that is completed under local anesthesia, without making an intravenous incision, and does not require hospitalization.

Perforator Vein EVRF

It is a procedure that is performed under local anesthesia with ultrasound guidance using a thin radiofrequency catheter wich requires experience and attention, and is completed without any incision.

Capillary Laser Application

It is the process of destroying prominent and problematic capillaries by targeting them with laser beams. It is not necessary to wear compression stockings after this procedure.

Sclerotherapy & Foam Scl.

It is the process of treating small and medium-sized reticular varicose veins by forming a sclerosing drug into foam. 


It is the treatment of problematic, but small-scale subcutaneous varicose veins, branches, accessory veins and perforators through ultrasound-guided injection of powerful sclerosing drugs.