
Antalya Varis Tedavisi Kliniği


How long does it take to return to daily life after varicose vein treatment? How long does the treatment take?

The time to return to daily life after varicose veins treatment varies depending on the treatment method applied.

In the closed method non-surgical treatments we apply, returning to daily life is immediate. No hospitalization or rest is required. On the contrary, we recommend plenty of walking and elevating the leg above the heart level while resting.

After some treatments, walking is recommended, although an elastic bandage is applied for 2-3 days, and again, bed rest is not required.

The duration of treatment may vary from patient to patient. Each patient's varicose veins density, varicose veins type, depth of varicose veins and how many veins are damaged determine the duration of treatment. This duration can be determined after examination and detailed color doppler scan.